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Your shoulder or deltoid has three parts you need to exercise.  They are front, side and rear.  Never just train one part of your shoulder if you want complete development.















Although this is a good mass builder for your whole shoulder muscle it really hits the front of the shoulder and gives the muscle a lot of thickness.  As with every exercise you do concentrate on  the muscle being worked.   This can be done with dumbbells or a barbell.  For variety you can use both.  Lift the bar above your head and try hard to squeeze the shoulder muscle (this WILL come with practice)  Then lower the weight down to the starting position and repeat the movement.















This exercise  hits the sides of your shoulders and gives you width.  With your whole body straight lift two dumbbells to your sides so that they are at a 180 degree angle apart.  Emphasise lifting the weight with your shoulders and not with your arms.  Slowly lower the weight down and then repeat the movement.  Try  not to pause between each rep and keep the momentum going (although don’t bounce)  This should create a killer burn in the shoulders.  The idea is to keep going until you can only do half reps.  A good idea then is to do a drop set (ie do another set with a lighter weight.)















To hit the rear of your shoulder muscle do this exercise with your legs bent and your head leaning forward.  Once again try and emphasise the back of your shoulders being exercised and not your arms.
















Pick up a barbell with your hands parallel with your shoulders and let it hang in front of you with your arms stretched.  Then concentrating hard on using your shoulder muscles lift up the weight so that it is as high as your chin.  Hold this position for one second and squeeze the muscle.  Then return slowly to the starting position.  A good idea is to combine this exercise with lat raises without a rest between sets.  This gives a killer burn but is very beneficial to shoulder growth.

Natural bodybuilders shoulder press
Natural bodybuilders lat raises
Natural bodybuilders bent over lat raises
Natural bodybuilders upright rows
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