You need to hit your chest from different angles - UPPER, LOWER, MIDDLE and SIDE.
This will hit your upper chest.
Lie on an incline bench and grab the barbell. Lower the bar down so that you can feel a stretch in your chest muscles. Then quickly push the bar up so that your arms are straight and then squeeze your chest together. Hold this contraction for a second and then slowly lower the bar down to the starting point and then repeat the movement.
Important points.
a. This exercise is for your chest and so it is that muscle which should be pumped when you finish. To maximise the use of your chest concentrate hard on the chest muscle as you lift the bar.
b. Never do this exercise without thoroughly warming up first. With time this will be one of your heaviest exercises. If you lift heavy weights with a cold muscle you can injury yourself.
This will hit the whole chest and give it size and thickness.
The exercise is performed in the same way as the incline bench press except the bench is flat.
This exercise is for the sides of your chest and will give you width.
Lie down flat on a bench with two dumbbells. The palms of your hands should be facing each other. Lower your arms to your sides so that your arms are at a 180 degree angle. When you feel a stretch in your chest quickly push the weights back to the starting position and squeeze the chest muscle together. Try and keep the feeling in your chest and not too much in your arms - although your arms will play an important part in lifting the weight.
This is an excellent exercise with which to finish your chest routine because it not only stretches the muscle it also helps to build the lower chest. You must start with your arms straight and then lower your arms all the way down so that your hands are almost level with your shoulders. Feel the stretch in your chest. Then push up and squeeze your chest muscles. Repeat the movement. Remember - ALL THE WAY UP, ALL THE WAY DOWN.
As you get better at dips you can make them harder by tying weight around your waist.
Do a set of press ups to finish off. If you can do 50 easily then you haven’t trained your chest hard enough.