Pre-workout drink
Finishing work quite late I have often fallen asleep on the sofa when I have got home. The feeling when you wake up is not a good one. ...
Pre-exhaust training
Since writing the original bible in 1998, the main change to my routine is my own version of pre-exhaust training. For almost ten years I...

Home Garage Gym
As I said in my introduction my father had a gym built over his garage. This was actually an additional floor to the house as the garage...

The exercise wheel
My father had an exercise wheel that I never really knew what it was for. It turns out it was for abs and they are still available today....
The Gym - the play
My new play is getting a read through - if you would like to participate please follow the link: http://www.st-georges-players.org.uk/201...
The outdoor gym
Well the Hardcore Bodybuilder's gym in Catford closed and I did get my money back. I also finished the fourth and final draft of my...